Capital BlueCross | Notice of Amendment
This Notice of Amendment (“Amendment”) is hereby issued by Capital Blue Cross and its subsidiaries, Capital Advantage Insurance Company, Capital Advantage Assurance Company, and Keystone Health Plan Central (individually and collectively “Capital”) to the individual producer or legal entity identified on the signature page (“Standard Producer”) of the Standard Producer Acknowledgment Form between Capital and Standard Producer (as amended, the “Form”). Read more.
Capital BlueCross | CAA Drug Cost Reporting Requirements
Capital Blue Cross has posted our plan to comply with the Drug Cost Reporting requirements of the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Read more.

11/10 Not All PEOs Are Employee Benefits
Join us Thursday, November 10th at 1pm EST for a one-hour webinar provides an overview of the PEO model that helps small to midsize businesses with various employment-centric solutions for companies having two or more employees in their business. Read more.

Pennie’s Open Enrollment Period for 2023
Pennie’s Open Enrollment Period will run from November 1, 2022, to January 15, 2023. As a reminder, existing Pennie customers will be receiving auto-renewal notices this week with information on their 2023 plans. Read more.
Individual ACA producer | Open Enrollment contest is here!
Capital Blue Cross announces to the URL Insurance Group standard agents, individual ACA producer Open Enrollment contest. Read more.
Updated Eligibility for Some Customers Not Eligible for APTC in 2023
Some customers may have incorrectly been determined ineligible for APTC when they were automatically renewed into 2023 coverage. Pennie has fixed this issue, rerun eligibility, and sent a new eligibility notice with updated APTC eligibility.Customers do not need to take any action. Read more.
Family Glitch Fixed, More Savings Now Available at Pennie
Under new federal rules, Pennie can now provide savings to more Pennsylvanians! Read more.
Pennie | New Law Extends Enhanced Health Coverage Savings through 2025
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law today by President Biden! This law will save hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians from experiencing increases in what they pay for their health coverage through Pennie.The IRA extends the enhancements to Affordable Care Act premium subsidies originally created by the American Rescue Plan which were set to expire at the end of the year. Thanks to this new law, Pennsylvanians will be able to receive these enhanced subsidies through 2025. Read more.
Pennie | Pennie System Enhancements
Pennie has successfully updated its platform with various enhancements that will benefit the Customer experience. Read more.
Pennie | Broker Workgroup
Pennie | 2022 Producer Commissions
Pennie is proud to work with insurers to make sure Pennsylvania producers have access to commissions information in advance of the start of the annual Open Enrollment Period and for any changes to commissions throughout the plan year. Beginning with plan year 2022, insurers that offer health plans through Pennie are required to notify their appointed producers of the commissions fee schedule. Read more.

Highmark | Introducing the 2022 New Highmark Incentive (qualify through 1/1/2023)
Highmark is excited to announce the 2022 New to Highmark Incentive. Read more.
Geisinger | Earn a reward for new business & ACA to GFA (qualify through 12/31/2022)
We are pleased to announce the extension of the New Business Broker Bonus program and the ACA to GFA Broker Bonus program! Read more.