White House mulls post-Covid emergency backstop for uninsured
The Biden administration is zeroing in on a plan to keep Covid vaccines, treatments and tests free for the uninsured into 2024, even as it plots a quicker wind-down of its broader pandemic response. Read more.

Highmark | About 300k members could be potential victims of data breach
Highmark has been the latest victim of a hack attack.The breach led to 96,000 members in Pennsylvania and nearly 300,000 across the country potentially had their private information exposed. Read more.
UPMC Health Plan | Commission Increases for 51-99 and 100+ Market Segments
UPMC Health Plan is committed to supporting our broker community, and we are excited to announce the following changes to our commissions schedule for the western Pennsylvania market. Read more.
Highmark Update | Spring 2023 producer webinar training series
Highmark is excited to announce the Spring 2023 edition of our Producer Training Series! These webinars are scheduled for ~30 minutes and designed to ensure producers have the most up-to-date information about Highmark. Read more.

Pennie Protects Nearly 372,000 Pennsylvanians with 2023 Health Coverage
At the conclusion of Pennie’s Open Enrollment Period on January 15th, nearly 372,000 Pennsylvanians were enrolled in a comprehensive health plan. Almost 245,000 Pennsylvanians were automatically renewed into a 2023 plan, another 62,000 existing customers returned and shopped for a plan. Read more.
Individual ACA producer | Open Enrollment contest is here!
Capital Blue Cross announces to the URL Insurance Group standard agents, individual ACA producer Open Enrollment contest. Read more.
Updated Eligibility for Some Customers Not Eligible for APTC in 2023
Some customers may have incorrectly been determined ineligible for APTC when they were automatically renewed into 2023 coverage. Pennie has fixed this issue, rerun eligibility, and sent a new eligibility notice with updated APTC eligibility.Customers do not need to take any action. Read more.
Family Glitch Fixed, More Savings Now Available at Pennie
Under new federal rules, Pennie can now provide savings to more Pennsylvanians! Read more.
Pennie | New Law Extends Enhanced Health Coverage Savings through 2025
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law today by President Biden! This law will save hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians from experiencing increases in what they pay for their health coverage through Pennie.The IRA extends the enhancements to Affordable Care Act premium subsidies originally created by the American Rescue Plan which were set to expire at the end of the year. Thanks to this new law, Pennsylvanians will be able to receive these enhanced subsidies through 2025. Read more.
Pennie | Pennie System Enhancements
Pennie has successfully updated its platform with various enhancements that will benefit the Customer experience. Read more.
Pennie | Broker Workgroup