Aries insurance services, a division of URL.
Medicare Offerings

ACE | Med Supp Rate Adjustment

We would like to inform you of a rate adjustment. ACE Property & Casualty Insurance Company received approval in Pennsylvania on 5/30/24 for the following rate increase: 8% for plans A, B, and G+; 4% for plan N; and 12% for plans F and G. Read more

CMS | Releases 2023-2032 National Health Expenditure Projections

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Office of the Actuary has released projections of National Health Expenditures (NHE) and health insurance enrollment for the years 2023-2032. The Office of the Actuary projects that over 2023-2032, average annual growth in NHE (5.6%). Read more.

Highmark | New Facilities and Business Form Guidance

Anouncing the Opening Of The New AHN Express Care in North Fayette and Newly Renovated Express Care in Bellevue In Market Week of July 1st. Reminder: Completing your ACA Individual Broker Hierarchy Change forms and Individual Book of Business Release forms. Contacts and additional resources are available. Read more

Jefferson Health Plans | ICYMI: Inspira Health Care Added to Provider Network

Jefferson Health Plans has signed an agreement with Inspira Health Care, and our Medicare Advantage members can now visit any Inspira location in southern New Jersey. Inspira providers can be found in our provider directory. Read more

Medicare IRMAA: What You Should Know for 2024

Medicare can be a complex web, and untangling its various strands to ensure you’re getting the most appropriate coverage can be daunting. One thread you might find yourself unsnarling is income-related monthly adjustment amounts, or IRMAA for short. Read more

Overcoming Our Misplaced Nostalgia For Traditional Medicare

For decades, the Medicare program was the gold standard of health coverage. Then, something unexpected happened: it started to show its age. The program—signed into law in 1965 during Lyndon Johnson’s presidency—has failed to keep up with the changing needs of our society. And so, when we turn our eyes towards the traditional Medicare program these days, we see its flaws. Read more.

Some Seniors Must Give Up Retiree Benefits to Get Medicare: Report

Seniors in some states might be forced to go without previously offered employer-based benefits that served as a supplement to traditional Medicare benefits, a new report has found. Read more

The average retired American faces these new Medicare changes in 2025

Social Security payments people can expect to receive are also an important piece of the retirement income puzzle. One factor that is not unexpected, but has layers of complexity, is health care costs. Read more

Traditional Medicare or Medicare Advantage? Some retirees aren’t allowed to choose

Usually, after age 65, people have two Medicare options: Traditional Medicare (Parts A, B and D and often a Medigap plan) or a private health insurer’s Medicare Advantage plan, also called Part C. But increasingly, people with retiree health benefits from their former employers aren’t given that choice. Read more.

Wellabe – Health | Download MFA registration guide before July 1

On July 1, 2024, we’re upgrading the agent portal to provide an extra layer of security to ensure you and your clients are well protected. We’re implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA), and you’ll need to re-register your account. To make the re-registration process go smoother for you, we suggest you complete the To Do list below within the next few weeks. Read more

CMS | 2024 National Training Program (NTP) Workshops

These in-person and virtual workshops will share valuable program information and updates you won’t want to miss. Topics range from different payers' responsibilities, supplement security income benefits, Medigap, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services current topics. Registration is free. Register now

Capital Blue Cross training sessions: 7/11 and 8/13

Check out the summer training schedule with links to register for each webinar. Topics will include My Flex Benefit Card, MyCare Finder and Part D changes for 2025 and beyond. Register now

June Feature On-Demand: Medicare Leads

Join Christy Wilbert, Medicare Offerings VP at URL Insurance Group and guest speaker, Steve Weir from LeadConcepts will discuss how to get the best return on your investment with Medicare Leads. Medicare leads are cheap, if you're willing to put in the work.

We'll discuss:

  • Choosing good demographics
  • Generic leads
  • Mass mailers
  • Buying name lists
  • Best calling practices and more

If your ready to grow your investments with Medicare Leads, watch the full webinar. Watch now

Allstate | Elevate Rewards Program

Time is running out to earn 3,600 bonus points. Make 5 sales within your first 30 days with Allstate Health Solutions to qualify. Read more.