Welcome to AEP…..Here we go.
I wanted to send some additional items for you to be aware of as we get moving into AEP.
- Marketing Materials- Please call broker care team (866-488-6653) to order supplies if you haven’t done so already. The kits this year are broken down a bit more so please have an idea on what markets you are going to want to sell in and the type of plan your offering ( HMO , PPO , DSNP MA only)
- SOA and checklist- I have attached a copy of the Agent checklist for you to attach with your scope of appointments. These are also in your quick reference guide page 74. Please keep these together when doing your appointments. I have attached a copy of the quick reference guide as well.
- Enrollment application for 2024- Attached for your records.
- Connecture Link for online enrollment- Please be on the look out for an email from Litmos. This will have the new Connecture URL link for online enrollment. There will be one link and you will be able to select the year in which you are looking to complete the application.
- NEW HRA- We have a new HRA that is available for online enrollments only done through Connecture. There is a $75 incentive to complete it. This is only for NEW to Geisinger members.
- Nations Benefits- We are moving to a new flex-card & OTC card vendor for 2024- members will only get one card next year. The card will be loaded with both benefits and will re-load monthly for OTC benefits. I have attached a copy of what the card will look like, inserts, activation number and envelope.
- Formulary- the formulary will not be listed in the sales kits; it will direct you to use the website. I have attached a copy of the formulary for your references.
Agent appointment checklist
Geisinger Gold Medicare Advantage Enrollment Request
2024 Quick Reference Guide
Geisinger Gold $0 Deductible Rx 2024 Formulary

We are very excited to get started and are here to help. Feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions you may have.