Aries insurance services, a division of URL.
Medicare Offerings


If you haven't had a chance don't forget to order your 2024 Sales kits. You are only able to place your pre-orders if you are RTS for 2024. As you are placing your order I highly recommend ordering the maximum quantity which is (12) at once. Order for your primary state and consider virtual online enrollments for all other states you have. If you order less than (12) you will not be able to go back to order the balance.



I am currently conducting product training every Tuesday virtually. This upcoming Tuesday I am training at 10am and 1pm. If you were unable to attend our in-person rollouts, no worries, join me virtually. 

Register below for your specific time:

9.12.23 10am

9.12.23 1pm



Lastly I want to mention we are conducting a first app challenge. As a broker partner with Devoted you are celebrated immediately as you make your first sell. Traditionally you would receive a simple call with "Thanks" expressed. Within this challenge you will receive that as well as a celebratory gift delivered and a couple others. If you RTS and haven't crossed over to the first app with us, but have hesitation contact us with any questions. We'd be happy to assist.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns give me a call or email.