LGA's Operations and Service Dashboard

The information you need to manage your business effectively and optimize your workflows

Service Metrics

as of 05/14/2024*




within 2 days

New Business Email

Turnaround Time1





within 3 days

Underwriting Review

Turnaround Time2 



15 days

Average Cycle Time3



Performance Metrics

as of 4/30/2024**

Online Icon 27 Blue



Instant Decision4



People Icon 05 Blue-1



Instant Decision

(under age 50)4





Lab-Free Decisions5






10 day Decisions5


People Icon 03 Blue



First Call Resolution4



$449 M

Claims Paid YTD5


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*Note: Service Metrics are updated weekly on Tuesdays.

**Note: Performance Metrics are updated monthly on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

1 Metric reported for the prior 7 day period from date reported for inquiries sent to onlineapp@lgamerica.com. Experience may vary for inquiries sent to a different email address.

2 Metric reported for the prior 7 day period from date reported for all applications submitted through Horizon and reviewed during that 7 day period.

3 Metric reported for the 30 day rolling period ending on the "as of" date for all applications submitted through Horizon receiving a decision during that period. "Cycle time" is defined as the average number of calendar days required to make the first decision on an application. Metric is based on submit to decision calendar days which includes weekends and holidays.

4 Metric reported for full month April 2024. "Instant decision" is defined as total instant decisions as a percentage of total decisions from all business submitted through Horizon in April 2024. "First Call Resolution" is the percentage of phone inquiries that are fully resolved during the course of that phone call and require no further action or research.

5 Metrics reported YTD through April 2024. "Lab-free Decisions" is defined as total lab-free decisions as a percentage of total decisions from all business submitted through Horizon through April 2024. "Lab-free Decisions" percentage includes instant decisions. "10 day Decisions" Rate is the percent of applications that reached a decision in 10 days or less upon submittal compared to the total number of decisions. "Claims Paid YTD" is the year-to-date amount of actual claims that have been paid.