Aries insurance services, a division of URL.
Medicare Offerings

Happy 1st day of Spring.  Here’s to hoping for warmer weather soon!

Let’s discuss Member Retention. You work hard to build trust with your clients and earn their business. After investing time and energy to enroll them in a best-fit plan, you want to ensure those clients remain happy with their plan going forward.

Top reasons to focus on retention

  1. Client retention = income stability. Retaining your clients means you’ll maintain a consistent baseline salary from renewal commissions, even during slower times of the year.
  2. Happy (retained) clients = referrals, which mean new clients, which mean new sales. When clients are happy with their plan and your service, they’re more likely to recommend you to their friends.
  3. Stay top of mind for your clients, so they’ll call you — instead of a 1-800 number they see on TV — if they have questions about their plan; additionally, they’ll remember to pass along your name to their friends and family.
  4. It’s an easy way to build your reputation. More frequent contacts with your clients builds rapport and can lead to more referrals for friends and family.
  5. It empowers your clients. By connecting with them more often, you can help them feel more confident and in control over their plan choice.
  6. Once you build a book of happy clients, you can rely on referrals to generate new business, creating a self-sustaining business model. 


Using the Medicare Marketing Studio to Help with Member Retention (flyer attached)

  • Don’t forget about the retention pieces in marketing studio!
  • Birthday cards and Thank You cards are available!
  • Send Thank you cards post enrollment. Hand write on the card and ask them to tell their friends and family about you.   Include business cards
  • Send Thank you cards for each referral!
  • Sort your book of business by birthdays to help organize your list!

To be successful, you’ll want to stay connected with clients throughout the year and especially in the months leading up to AEP.

Important reminder – If you focus on retention that will lead to happy clients who will then refer family and friends allowing you to continue to also focus on new sales and build your book of business.

Have a great week, and I am always here for you if you have questions or ideas you would like to share.


Amy Curran | Broker Manager, Keystone Market
p 717-756-5217