Aries insurance services, a division of URL.
Health Plan Options

Welcome to the first-ever Partner Pro Tip! Over the next 12 months, I will be delivering a useful Beam tip that will help increase business and knowledge! 

It's my pleasure to announce our first Beam Pro Tip.


Beam Pro Tip #1 (Your Clients want stability, and we can give it to them!)

Beam is applying a two-year rate guarantee for large and small group RFPs now through May 31st, 2022.

Small-Group (10-99 EEs) will receive a 24-month rate guarantee and a maximum of 3% increase in year 3.

Large Group (100-499 EEs) will receive a 24-month rate guarantee with a maximum of 7% increase in year 3.

No Surprises. Guaranteed.

Check out the Promo Here.