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Medicare Offerings

2022 Star Ratings


CMS recently released Star Ratings for 2022. Please discard any 2021 Star Ratings documents that you may still have and begin using the 2022 versions immediately. Don’t forget to replace the Star Ratings sheets in any of our pre-enrollment kits that are currently in your inventory. Future orders of our pre-enrollment kits will include the 2022 Star Ratings.

Sales Tracking and Commissions


Always be sure to submit your National Producer Number (NPN) when submitting Medicare enrollment forms. Regardless of the method (e.g. online, upload, or fax), we rely on the NPN to associate you as the agent-of-record and to ensure timely and accurate commission payment. For online enrollments, the system will prompt you to enter your NPN when logged in through our Producer Portal. On the paper enrollment form, the NPN shoul be included under the Sales Agent Information section of the application.


2022 Medicare Sales Grids


For an easier, side-by-side comparison of our Medicare plan offerings, we have developed sales grids for our 2022 plans. Attached are digital versions for now.

THOMAS KENNEDY  Manager, Broker Field Sales | Government ProgramsCAPITAL BLUE CROSS  Office: 717.541.7343 | Mobile: 717.480.2847

Office: 2500 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17177-9827Mailing: PO Box 774431, Harrisburg, PA