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Medicare Offerings



Get tips for retaining your clients this AEP and beyond, with a new playbook


Building trust with your clients earns their business. Now there’s a new tool available that can help you keep your clients happy and help generate new business too. The Aetna Medicare member retention playbook for agents gives you useful, hands-on actions you can use now and reference later, as you create a self-sustaining business model.

You’ll learn tips on:

  • Why building a successful member retention strategy is so important
  • How to set yourself up for retention success at the point of sale
  • What steps you can take all year long to retain members (i.e., sending ‘Thank you’ and ‘Birthday’ cards)
  • Why customers leave and how to avoid rapid disenrollment

Download the Aetna Medicare member retention playbook today and check out some easy strategies to help you retain your clients.