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Medicare Offerings
We hope you enjoyed learning more about the 2021 plans, additional benefits, and our new virtual tools at your recent kick-off meeting! In case you missed it or want to reference what was covered in the meeting, visit the Broker Training site.
The Broker Training site now includes important 2021 UPMC for Life materials that you might find helpful when speaking with a client—all at the touch of your fingertips! These newly added resources include:
  • 2021 Plan grids
  • 2021 Plan comparison guides
  • 2021 Kick-off presentation
  • 2021 Seminar presenter training presentation
Stay tuned! We will continue to update the Broker Training site to provide you with the information you need to succeed.
If you have any questions about our 2021 plans or the Broker Training site, please contact your broker manager.
Thank you for your continued support of our UPMC for Life plans!
UPMC for Life Brokerage Team
PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL OR FORWARD TO A BENEFICIARY. Emails sent to this email address, will not receive a response. If you have questions or need additional information, contact your broker manager.
Our mailing address is:
600 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219