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Medicare Offerings


New Eligibility Lookup Tool on Jarvis!
Now You can Verify Medicare and Medicaid Eligibility

We have a new, faster way for you to obtain Medicare and Medicaid eligibility. Instead of contacting the Producer Help Desk (PHD), you, as a UnitedHealthcare agent, can directly determine Medicare and Medicaid eligibility for consumers and members on Jarvis, any time, any day.

Find the tool in the Enrollment tab located on Jarvis.

For step-by-step information on how to use the new Medicare and Medicaid Eligibility Lookup Tool, review the detailed job aid available on Learning Lab (Learning Lab>Content Library>Jarvis>Additional References). For ease and convenience, Medicaid searches also provide a list of UnitedHealthcare plans available for enrollment.

The new tool will be available for members living in a number of states starting today, with more states coming soon. Here are the details:


Thank you for your business. UnitedHealthcare is proud to be a partner in compassionate care, helping members take advantage of the health benefits they deserve.

*Non-SNP plans not included.



Contact Us

·         Phone: 888-381-8581

·         Live Chat via Jarvis


·         Secure email request via Jarvis. Go to the Contact Us page and click ‘Get Started’, and then click ‘Create SR’

Sept. 24, 2020. Confidential and proprietary. For internal/agent use only. Do not distribute.

This email was sent by: UnitedHealthcare 9800 Health Care Lane Minnetonka, MN, 55343, USA