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Medicare Offerings


IMPORTANT: Use your NPN to log in and order MA/MAPD enrollment kits

We've made an update to the MA/MAPD enrollment kit ordering site to help improve the log in experience and alleviate issues. Effective immediately, all ready to sell agents will need to use their National Producer Number (NPN) as both their username and password when logging in to the site. 

This new process should make it easier for you to order MA/MAPD enrollment kits moving forward.

We look forward to working with you this AEP

Thank you,

Janine McMahon

Aetna Broker Manager

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance and its affiliates (Aetna). 

Prior to engaging in the sale of Aetna Medicare products, producers must be ready to sell, which means certified, contracted, licensed in the applicable states, and appointed by Aetna in accordance with state law. As permitted in certain states, Aetna will order appointments after the first sale. This communication is intended for use by brokers only and is not intended for distribution to Medicare beneficiaries. Any publication or distribution of this communication to unauthorized recipients without Aetna’s approval is prohibited.
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