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& Recertification


Humana Certification & Recertification Course Details for Plan Year 2020!

It’s already that time of year to start preparing for AEP 2020 and Humana is here to help. We are excited to announce that we will be launching certification and recertification courses earlier than ever before this year! Both courses will launch at noon Eastern Time on June 25, 2019

Our team listened to your feedback and has made some changes to help improve your experience this year.

Top 4 Improvements:


This will be the earliest cert and recert launch date in Humana MarketPoint history!

Certification Course outlines will be reduced by almost half while maintaining training quality and making it more efficient for you to complete your certification.

Both the certification and recertification final exams are open book, and for PY20 we are making it easier than ever to find the information you need to pass the test.

The time to complete the final exam (both cert and recert) will be extended from 35 minutes to 45 minutes

Certification & Recertification Launch Dates
All PY20 Certification and Recertification courses will launch Tuesday June 25, 2019 at noon EST.*

*NOTE: Does not include Spanish translation.  Spanish versions will be available on a delayed basis. Look for additional communications on Spanish versions.

Recertification Completion Deadlines

  • Internal agents will have until 5:00 PM Eastern time on September 30, 2019 to complete Recertification.
  • External agents will have until 5:00 PM Eastern time on November 30, 2019 to complete Recertification.
AHIP Information

Thank you for certifying and recertifying with Humana.  We appreciate you!

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