Aries insurance services, a division of URL.
Medicare Offerings


What’s new?

We are happy to announce our newly redesigned one-page Scope of Appointment (SOA) is approved and ready for use!

·     This new SOA is available for use effective immediately and is consistent with current Medicare Marketing Guidelines. 

·     This new SOA is available in addition to SOAs already in print – it does not replace other compliant SOAs.

·     We will gradually replace the existing two-page SOA with the new one-page SOA as printed supplies are depleted. However, you may continue to use the two-page SOA if you prefer.

·     Consistent with local market branding, there are two versions of the new one-page SOA: Cigna-HealthSpring and Cigna.*

·     The Cigna-HealthSpring version is intended for use in all markets except Arizona and Kansas City.

·     The Cigna version is intended for use in Arizona and Kansas City.

·     If an Agent in a Cigna-HealthSpring Market submits a SOA that is branded Cigna or vice-versa, the SOA will still be accepted (assuming the SOA was otherwise submitted accurately and completely).


What’s the same?

Other SOA guidelines and best practices have not changed:

·     A signed SOA is required prior to a sales appointment. 

·     Agents may only discuss what is outlined in the signed SOA. If a need arises to discuss products outside of the previously signed SOA, then the agent must obtain a newly signed SOA. 

·     TeleScope is Cigna-HealthSpring’s recommended solution for completing an SOA. You may place a three-way call with your prospect and our TeleScope rep by dialing 1.866.398.6055; you will receive a confirmation number verifying that the SOA has been recorded.

·     When faxing a two-page SOA form, both page one and page two (i.e., the reverse side of page one with the legal disclaimer language) must be submitted to ensure compliance. 


Additional reminders:

·     An SOA must accompany every application at the time of submission. In the event that the SOA is missing, Cigna-HealthSpring will immediately contact the agent to ensure that the SOA is received within 14 days of the application received date.

·     If we have not received a compliant SOA within the 14-day timeframe, a CMS violation may be issued in the form of a sales development action or SDAC.

·     An SOA is not needed for a beneficiary to attend a formal or informal Marketing/Sales Event. An SOA will only be required if the prospect requests a future individual appointment. The SOA for that future individual appointment can be completed at the event (where the prospect made that request).




If you have any questions regarding the Scope of Appointment process, please contact the Cigna-HealthSpring Agent Assistance Line (HAAL) at 866.442.7516 or your local Cigna-HealthSpring sales representative.


Thank you for your partnership. 


*These documents are hosted on the Cigna-HealthSpring Producers' University website. You must log in to view. If your web browser has pop-up blocking enabled, these links may not automatically redirect to the requested document. If you experience this issue, please click on "Agent Resources" then "Pre-Sale" and then “Forms” to view.




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Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © Copyright 2018 Cigna.