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Health Plan Options

Break New Ground with Your Smaller Clients with Starmark Healthy Choices

A Starmark Healthy Choices Self-Funded Plan Design:

  • Addresses rising healthcare costs for small to mid-size employers
  • Enables employers to offer more freedom of provider choice1
  • Uses reference-based pricing2, a strategy leveraged by large employers to determine reimbursement rates to providers based on a multiple of Medicare

Contact your Starmark® distribution partner
to get a quote or for more information.

1Except in the instance of organ transplants, where benefits are available when performed at a designated transplant facility, and specialty drugs, where benefits are available when provided by the designated specialty pharmacy as outlined in the plan document.
2Refer to the plan document for more details.

Trustmark Life Insurance Company | Starmark

B680-1069-br (11-17)