URL Insurance Group.
Medicare Offerings





















Aetna Medicare update:
We're expanding our Prime HMO network in Central PA








Great news! Now your clients will have even more providers to choose from when they select the Aetna Medicare PinnacleHealth Prime (HMO) plan in Central Pennsylvania.

Providers joining our PinnacleHealth Prime HMO network

The UPMC Pinnacle hospitals (listed below) and their associated physician groups, PinnacleHealth Regional Physicians, are now available to members who select the Aetna PinnacleHealth Prime HMO plan.

UPMC Pinnacle Carlisle
(Carlisle Regional Medical Center) 

361 Alexander Spring Rd
Carlisle, PA 17015

UPMC Pinnacle Lititz
(Heart of Lancaster Regional Medical Center)

1500 Highlands Dr
Lititz, PA 17543

UPMC Pinnacle Lancaster
(Lancaster Regional Medical Center)

250 College Ave
Lancaster, PA 17603

UPMC Pinnacle Memorial
(Memorial Hospital)

325 S Belmont St
York, PA 17403

Find in-network providers

In addition to the facilities listed above, we have several other in-network providers your clients can choose from. To find a list of in-network providers, just visit AetnaMedicare.com/findprovider. Be sure to use the Primary Care Physicians (PCP) group name when searching for a PCP. 


If you have questions about our 2018 Aetna Medicare Advantage network, just contact your local broker manager in Pennsylvania:

Amy Curran
(717) 756-5217




Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

Prior to engaging in the sale of Aetna or Coventry Medicare products, producers must be ready to sell, which means certified, contracted, licensed in the applicable states, and appointed by Aetna in accordance with state law. As permitted in certain states, Aetna will order appointments after the first sale. 

This communication is intended for use by brokers only and is not intended for distribution to Medicare beneficiaries. Any publication or distribution of this communication to unauthorized recipients without Aetna’s approval is prohibited.

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