URL Insurance Group.
Medicare Offerings


Some concerns around applications submitted via the FireLight eApplication platform and the completion of the e-signatures have been identified.  In order to avoid additional processing time, and to avoid rejection of a Medicare Supplement application and corrective action, please be sure you are aware of the proper steps for completing e-signatures.

If the “Sign Now” option has been chosen, the below rules must be followed:

  1. The "Sign Now" feature is only to be used when you are sitting face-to-face with a client.
  1. The client must follow the proper steps for completing their e-signature. At no time is it compliant or acceptable to sign on behalf of your client.
  1. You must also e-sign the application, as the Agent of Record.
  1. You must have an internet connection, as the application must be submitted immediately after signing.

If you are not face-to-face with the client and the client wishes to e-sign their application, you must use the "Send Email Request" option.  This will generate an email to your client, requesting that they e-sign and return the completed application.  Your client must have a valid email address for this option.

If a phone interview is conducted and it is found that the application was not signed properly, this can result in applications for coverage being rejected/denied and, when deemed necessary, an incident report sent to the Compliance department for further investigation. 

We appreciate your cooperation and wish you much success this AEP season.


If you have any questions or need additional clarification, please contact your Marketing Director or the Agent Support team at (844) 221-7813.


For agent use only. Not for use with consumers.

Thrivent Independent is a division of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI.

Insurance products are underwritten and issued by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. 
For additional important information, visit Thrivent.com/disclosures.

Thrivent Financial is not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the federal Medicare program. Not available in all states.

This contract has exclusions, limitations, reductions in benefits, and terms under which the contract may be continued in force or discontinued.

Administrative Address: 
PO Box 14008 | Clearwater, FL 33766-4008 | USA | Phone: 844-221-7813