URL Insurance Group.
Medicare Offerings

Revised/Updated CBC SOA Form (d)

Capital BlueCross has made changes to our current Scope of Appointment (SOA) form.  We have now added check boxes for the Additional Products of Dental/Vision and Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Products. 

It’s recommended Producers use Capital BlueCross’ Scope of Appointment form.  

  • Please make sure members use their initials in the corresponding box to products to be discussed. 
  • Capital is requiring a beneficiary attestation with every producer submitted Electronic Enrollment (online) form.
  • To simplify this process for producers, we have revised our SOA to include an attestation for beneficiary signature/date. Brokers are required to submit this SOA with a completed electronic enrollment form.

If Brokers determine a need to submit a generic SOA instead of the Capital SOA, the acknowledgement language, beneficiary signature and date must be captured on that form.