URL Insurance Group.
Health Plan Options
Just hours after President Trump was sworn into office there was breaking news about the president’s executive order (EO), “Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal.” According to the text of the order, it charges the departments and agencies associated with the enforcement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ease the burden of the ACA as we transition to repeal and replace.
The EO did not repeal any part of the ACA and does not directly mention any legislation or regulation that President Trump is directing to be eased, repealed, rescinded or amended. The order serves to re-enforce the power Congress, the departments and agencies already have to move towards change through legislation and regulation. However, NAHU sees this as an opportunity for us to use the presidential message of support for change to continue our advocacy efforts with both Congress and the administration’s agencies to focus on marketplace stability.  
We will continue to update you as any other EOs, legislation or regulations are released. In the meantime, all statutes and regulations enacted by the ACA continue to be in place and NAHU members should continue to work with their clients to be in compliance with the law.
National Association of Health Underwriters       1212 New York Ave NW, Ste 1100, Washington, DC 20005
Ph. 202.552.5060       Fax 202.747.6820       www.nahu.org