Under 65 Medicare Underwriting Quick Reference Guide

The Medicare Offerings Department at URL Insurance Group would like to make our independent agents’ life a little easier.  We understand the difficulty in remembering the differences between each carrier and we know that your time is precious.  Each quarter, we will release a new quick reference guide reviewing a specific topic and differentiating each carrier we represent. Our hope is to give you extra selling points and the ease of doing business.

Under 65 Medicare Underwriting Quick Reference Guide

  • Find out which carriers accept an Under 65 and disabled application if it’s not a “guarantee issue”.
  • Please note: we indicated the date this information was last updated and always check with the carrier to make sure their rule still applies.

These quick reference guides are for agents use only and not to be used as selling tools or comparisons with a potential beneficiary.  The documents were created using Pennsylvania guidelines and underwriting. If you are selling outside of Pennsylvania, please confirm the guidelines in your state.