April 18, 2016


Health Care Marketplace 

Employees Struggle with Health Benefits. As individuals assume a larger share of healthcare costs and responsibility, a new national Harris poll reveals that employees are more comfortable buying a home or a car than managing health benefits and care. According to Employee Benefit News employee productivity is diminished because employees are spending an average of three and a half hours of company time a month dealing with healthcare issues in addition to time spent at home wrestling with the pros and cons of various health plan options. (Employee Benefit News, 4/14)

Report: Hospitals Pad Drug Prices to Get Higher Reimbursements. Most hospitals are reimbursed by commercial payers based on a negotiated percentage of charges, but hospitals set their own list prices for drugs. Those prices are often highly inflated, making the negotiated discount seem significant, notes Pembroke Consulting President Adam Fein. (Drug Channels, 4/12)


Health in the States


FL. The FL governor signed law banning some balance billing. A newly approved law in Florida shields consumers from having to pay for out-of-network care inadvertently received at in-network facilities. Insurance plans and the non-network health care providers will be offered a voluntary, state-arranged dispute resolution process and will be subject to penalties for refusing to accept settlement offers close to the final arbitration order. (Modern Healthcare, 4/14)

CO. The ColoradoCare plan, a proposal for universal health care in Colorado, goes before voters in November as a way to cover 83% of state residents with 11 categories of coverage. ColoradoCare would be governed by a 15-member board, and estimates suggest it would have $38 billion in annual revenues, a report from the Colorado Health Institute said. The Denver Post (4/8)

CA. A CA Senate bill would direct the state to request federal permission to allow undocumented immigrants to purchase health insurance through the state-run exchange at no cost to the state or federal government. The Covered California board recently endorsed a similar proposal. (Los Angeles Times, 4/14)



In This Issue

Health Care Marketplace

Health in the States

Healthy Living


Healthy Living!*


Get practical. 


If weightlifting or logging miles on a treadmill seem too uninspiring, remember that mowing the lawn, rototilling a garden, building a backyard shed or some other physical, productive task provides a good workout as well.


(DrWeilBlog.com, 3/25)


*Nothing contained in Healthy Living should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Healthy Living is provided to highlight lifestyle choices that may affect persons' daily lives. Healthy Living does not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing or other professional health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. We advise you to always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice

David M Banet & Associates, Inc.

45 Dowlin Forge Road  ยท  Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 610.664.9220  *  Fax: 610.644.9277  *  Email: info@dmbanet.com