

Training & Agreements

Producers can now access CMS training for the 2016 plan year through the CMS Enterprise Portal, at CMS is requiring this training to sell products on-exchange, and Highmark is requiring this training to sell ACA products on- or off-exchange.

On the CMS Enterprise Portal, you can access training through:

  • CMS, on the new Marketplace Learning Management System (MLMS)
  • America's Health Insurance Marketplace (AHIP), a CMS-approved vendor
  • National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), a CMS-approved vendor
You must also complete the applicable agreements with CMS on the MLMS prior to selling FFM products.

Information on how to submit your training certification to Highmark, through Sales Sentinel, is forthcoming. 


Returning producers

You do not need to re-register, but please be sure to use the same FFM user ID that you used in prior plan years. 


Producers new to the FFM

You will need to create an FFM user ID on the CMS Enterprise Portal, where you will:

  • Complete identity proofing
  • Request the agent/broker role
Then you will complete the training and agreements mentioned in the section above. 

Helpful Information

For the best experience using the MLMS, use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as your web browser. 

Useful links:

If you have any questions, please contact your Highmark individual sales channel consultant.